Wednesday, August 25, 2010


a) What roles did you take on for this assignment? 
The roles i took on for this assignment was answering the questions 3 and question 4. I also help make the headings for every slide in the presentation. 
b) What did you like about working as a group?
What i liked about working as a group was that we were able to share all the ideas and to really enjoy the process. We were also able to cooperate easily. As well as being in a group, it makes the the assessment seem that much funner to do then to do it alone. I also liked working as a group because everyone in the group was able to introduce ideas and to each take on a part to finish the assessment. 
c) What was difficult about working as a group?
I think sometimes we weren't able to focus and we would more not concentrate on what needs to be done. Although, we were still able to complete the assessment trying our best. I also found difficult when someone was away in the group which would mean everyone would be at different paces and that everyone wouldn't be up to the same place. I found that difficult because we had to let the person away to catch up and to give time explaining what they had miss. 
d) What did you learn about working as a group?
As a group i was able to learn that you have to let everyone have a idea and to think if that idea will help us, you have to be able to share knowledge. I also learnt that you need to rely and to have trust in the other group members that they will get the work/assessment done. I also learnt that working as a group can make it more enjoyable. 
e) How well did you work together/cooperatively?
I think as a group we were able to manage quite well to be able to manage as a group itself. We were able to get all the work done and we were able to fix minor bumps we had alone the way. Which mean that we were still able to complete and to accomplish the goals of the assessment. I think we were able to cooperate because we were able to listen to everyones ideas and understand everyone. 
f) Did everyone contribute equally and enthusiastically?
Every member of the group took part in answering questions and doing there bit of the assessment. Everyone in the group had something to do or contribute to the assessment so that we could finish it. 
g) How well as an individual did you work as part of the group?
I think i was able to work alright with the group. I was able to listen to others ideas and to contribute my part of the assessment by answering my questions that i was allocated and to do anything else that could help the group. I think i did pretty good because i was apart of the group and getting hands on with what needed to be done.
h) Identify our strengths and weaknesses as a group member.
I was able to help the group concentrate by telling them and helping them understand questions. I think i was also able to help them because i could understand and i was able to help any group member who needed help. Although my weaknesses would be that i might need to contribute a little more then i should have. I could of helped with making the find-a-word for example.
i) Outline suggestions to improve your approach to group work.
I think i could improve on concentrating more and focusing on getting the assessment done because that is the main goal. I think i could also try to listen to others ideas more and to be patient with everyone in the group. 

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