Friday, August 13, 2010

The Questions Answered.

Today in class the group consisting of Me, Jo-raelene Dalco, Erica Ydia and Keithmae Radam finially started working on the assessment as a group. We worked out what questions we would each answer and what type of presentation we would use so that we could all use it. The presentation we decided to use was We choose this because we already have google accounts or gmail account which would mean we could all access it at home and make changes if needed. We also chose to use that site because we already had a google account or gmail and didn't want it to go to waste.  At first we decided that just one person would gather all the information needed and just make it on a Microsoft presentation but that was too complicated and would put work more on one person. But then we decided this would be a better method, using the google site. I chose questions for each member of the group to research and to look up. I asked if it was okay and then said it was okay and agreed to research those questions.

Erica Ydias Questions:
2. What parts make up the system?
3. How Does it Work.

Keithmae Radam Questions:
7. Which Doctor?
(since there was a uneven amount of questions Keithmae only got 1 question)

Jo-raelen Dalco Questions:
5. When things go wrong?
6. Good habits?

My questions:
1. Why do we need it?
3. How does it work?

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