Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Questions Add ons/change/edited. (Draft copy)

3. How does it work? (remember that i changed questions with erica, so this is now the information for question 3)

The Circulatory System is an organ. And quite a huge organ that humans have. It passes the nutrients, gases, hormones and things like blood cells.

Blood, one of the most important things we need for our body. The system is mostly seen as the blood distribution network and how blood is distributed around our body away from the heart. It is made up of vessels and muscles that control the flow of blood through out the body, which is known as circulation. Which is how it got it's name "Circulatory System". The main parts of the system is the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins. As the heart is pumping every minute it releases more blood into our bodies. It leaves the heart and then into the aorta, the largest artery in the body. As soon as the blood then leaves the aorta, the blood is now full of oxygen. Which is another important thing humans need to survive. It is important so that the cells in our brain and body can function properly. It then travels throughout your entire body in it's system. As the blood makes it way back to the heart, it travels through lots of different veins, eventually reaching the lungs. We breathe in and out every day, and the lungs play a huge role in that. As blood reaches the lungs, carbon dioxide (the gas we breathe out) is then removed from the blood which is then replaced with fresh oxygen that we inhaled through the lungs.

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