Friday, August 20, 2010


Since the information i had collected and was going to use was not full correct i have collected more factual information that i have then put in my own words. 

For my part of the presentation (question 3) i am going to describe a picture of the heart and all the different chambers. I will show them the different parts on the slide but on palm cards, explain to them in more detail. On my slide i have a picture of the heart and the chambers. I have labeled the parts i will mention that are in the Circulatory system. These are the pictures i will be providing:

In the first picture the parts of the heart were already label. All i did was highlight the name of the parts that i needed. In the second diagram i already labeled the parts i will be saying on the presentation. I added arrows and text. I decided to leave it plain and to detail it by not reading off the presentation to make it more interesting. I may be hard trying to multi-task but i think i will do okay. 

After that i will go into detail on how the blood is actually distributed to the entire body. I will do this by flow chart. I will provide pictures and in short dot points summaries what i am talking about so they still a visual understand as well as a oral. 

I still have not finished my second question.    

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